
How to Add Spaces to a String in Java

How to pad a String in Java

Given a string str of some specific length, the task is to pad this string with the given character ch, inorder to make the string of length L.

Note: Padding has to be done in all three formats: Left Padding, Right Padding and Center Padding.

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Input: str = "Geeksforgeeks", ch ='-', L = 20
Left Padding: ————GeeksForGeeks
Center Padding: ——GeeksForGeeks——
Right Padding: GeeksForGeeks————

Input: str = "GfG", ch ='#', L = 5
Left Padding: ##GfG
Center Padding: #GfG#
Right Padding: GfG##

Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the solution.

There are many methods to pad a String:

  1. Using String format() method: This method is used to return a formatted string using the given locale, specified format string and arguments.

    Note: This method can be used to do only left and right padding.


    • Get the string in which padding is done.
    • Use the String.format() method to pad the string with spaces on left and right, and then replace these spaces with the given character using String.replace() method.
    • For left padding, the syntax to use the String.format() method is:
      String.format("%[L]s", str).replace(' ', ch);                  
    • For right padding, the syntax to use the String.format() method is:
      String.format("%-[L]s", str).replace(' ', ch);                  
    • If the length 'L' is less than initial length of the string, then the same string is returned unaltered.

    Below is the implementation of the above approach:


    import java.lang.*;


    public class GFG {

    public static String

    leftPadding(String input, char ch, int L)


    String result

    = String

    .format( "%" + L + "s" , input)

    .replace( ' ' , ch);

    return result;


    public static String

    rightPadding(String input, char ch, int L)


    String result

    = String

    .format( "%" + (-L) + "s" , input)

    .replace( ' ' , ch);

    return result;


    public static void main(String[] args)


    String str = "GeeksForGeeks" ;

    char ch = '-' ;

    int L = 20 ;


    leftPadding(str, ch, L));


    rightPadding(str, ch, L));




    -------GeeksForGeeks GeeksForGeeks-------                
  2. Using Apache Common Lang: Apache Commons Lang package provides the StringUtils class, which contains the leftPad(), center() and rightPad() method to easily left pad, center pad and right pad a String respectively.

    Note: This module has to be installed before running of the code. Hence this code won't run on Online compilers.


    • Get the string in which padding is done.
    • For left padding, the syntax to use the StringUtils.leftPad() method is:
      StringUtils.leftPad(str, L, ch);                  
    • For center padding, the syntax to use the method is:, L, ch);                  
    • For right padding, the syntax to use the StringUtils.rightPad() method is:
      StringUtils.rightPad(str, L, ch);                  
    • If the length 'L' is less than initial length of the string, then the same string is returned unaltered.

    Below is the implementation of the above approach:


    import java.lang.*;


    public class GFG {

    public static String

    leftPadding(String input, char ch, int L)


    String result

    = StringUtils.leftPad(str, L, ch);

    return result;


    public static String

    centerPadding(String input, char ch, int L)


    String result

    =, L, ch);

    return result;


    public static String

    rightPadding(String input, char ch, int L)


    String result

    = StringUtils.rightPad(str, L, ch);

    return result;


    public static void main(String[] args)


    String str = "GeeksForGeeks" ;

    char ch = '-' ;

    int L = 20 ;


    leftPadding(str, ch, L));


    centerPadding(str, ch, L));


    rightPadding(str, ch, L));




    -------GeeksForGeeks ---GeeksForGeeks---- GeeksForGeeks-------                

How to Add Spaces to a String in Java


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